Friday, April 21, 2006


rainy season.

Spring is here, supposedly, in Hokkaido but it's slow to show its face. The snowy conditions have been replaced by rain. The mountains of snow on either side of the road are slowly subsiding, getting dirtier as the passing traffic sprays road grit to the sides. The temperature still isn't above 7C on a fine day so there's still ice determined to hang around the edges of houses and such. The rafting companies have started up but with all in dry suits to try and keep the snow-melt cold water from chilling them too much. The pension village, as they call the lower part of the village filled with mostly, as you'd expect, pensions is quite like a ghost town. One goes up to the convienience store to see the life of the town. To know that there are more people here than the ones you share a house with.
But the promise of a warm green island has me waiting, keenly. Apparently one can barely see the view for the growth that bursts up when the snow's gone and the sun can do its work.