Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back to Oz

In a bid to raise funds to finish my house and kill off my life sucking credit cards, I'm heading back to Oz to try my hand at work in Western Australia. Maybe I can hit the big bux there and get my house done in record time.
Then maybe I can take the next overseas trip with less financial stress about me.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Japanese - Passive Verbs


Active: 先生(せんせい )は けいこさんを ()めました

Passive: けいこさんは 先生(せんせい)に ()められました

Conjugates the same as for Causative verbs

Japanese - Causative Verbs

Verb conjugation is complex and integral to speaking Japanese.

Today I'll take a look at causative verbs.
as in
make.../ let...,

~は ~に ~を [Vt Causative]

She made him eat.

Confusingly though, the same sentence in Japanese can also mean
"I allowed him to eat." OR "I let him eat."


彼女(かのじょ )(かれ)食事(しょくじ)()べさせた

丁寧(ていねい )()、「ます」 (ケイ)

彼女(かのじょ )(かれ)食事(しょくじ)()べさせました

Please let me... / Please allow me to...
[Causative て form] (くだ)さい

すみません。( かえ)らせて(くだ)さい。
すみません。( かえ)らせていただけませんか。

Group 1 Verbs

Group 2 Verbs

Group 3 Verbs